Tracy, 77 ans., États-Unis, Atlanta
Taux de réponse: 62%
Renseignements principaux
Prénom: Tracy
Age: 77
Lieu: États-Unis, Atlanta
Signe du Zodiaque: Vierge
Poids: 75kg
Taille: 175cm
Couleur des yeux: Marron
Couleur des cheveux: Gris poivre et sel
Morphologie: Musclé
Avec quelle fréquence fumez-vous?: Jamais
Avec quelle fréquence buvez vous?: Occasionnellement (socialement)
Nature de votre activité: Je suis matinal (j'aime me lever tôt)
Avec informations:
Français 2 (peut tenir une conversation simple)
Etat civil: Célibataire
Je veux des enfants: Non
Vos priorités dans la vie:
Esprit équilibré
Expression personnelle artistique
Croissance spirituelle
Vos revenus: Revenus de bon niveau
Chez moi: Une maison / un pavillon, Une voiture, Affaires
Que pensez vous des dépenses de voyages et de rencontres: Chacun doit payer sa part
Education: Licence
Fonction: Artiste
Quelle religion pratiquez-vous?: Spirituel mais non religieux
Age: 30 - 55
Poids: 52.21 - 61.29 kg
Taille: 157 - 173 cm
Couleur des yeux: Сe n'est pas important
Couleur des cheveux: Сe n'est pas important
Morphologie: Mince, Dans la moyenne
Fume: Jamais
Boissons: Occasionnellement (socialement)
Origine ethnique correspondante: Blanc / Européenne, Hispanique/latino

Réponses à quelques questions

Comment vous décririez-vous?
Because I’m a professional artist (painter), and also involved in music (singer-tenor), I love most things that are artistic in nature. I am paasinonate about the arts. I enjoy concerts, museums, theater, dancing (very much), and musicals. Other things that I enjoy are fine dining, long walks, reading (philosophical subjects and historical works), and travel (love Europe!). I must add to this that I am very much interested in holistic living. In my case, this means that I like physical exercise, regularly (my entire adult life), and I am very conscious of nutrition and my diet (mostly vegetarian). All of this keeps the body and appearance young and youthful.
I try to be conscious of having a positive purpose in life. This also means that I watch how I ‘think’ and ‘feel’, because our thoughts are powerful and they create our reality- good or bad. In other words, a person’s ‘attitude’ is the most important thing to take care of.
Even though I have never been married, I like and respect women (my best friends are women). Being an artist, I admire a beautiful woman who takes care of herself, and who is confident in who she is. I am ‘easy going’ in the area of male/female relations. I believe that making friends first is the most ‘relaxed’ approach. And then, one can be ‘open’ to all possibilities. It's amazing how many people get married, but never become friends. Lastly, I want to say that it is exciting to meet some lovely women from such rich and historical cultures as Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine.
Comment décririez-vous votre partenaire idéal?
Idealy, she would be both beautiful on the 'inside' as well as the 'outside'. As I said above, I am drawn to women who are self-assured; confident of themselves. I like a woman who is a little adventureous. She can feel comfortable in an elegant gown at a society function, or just as comfortable at home having a quiet relaxed and romantic evening. She would be a person who is conscious of her appearance, and has a healthy life-style to support that (exercise/diet). But she would also know that attention to her mental and spiritual life is a priority for true growth. Certainly I like a woman (or any person)to just be herself; to be able to 'feel' deeply, to be able to laugh and cry, and most of all who 'chooses' to 'see' the best in Life.
Si c'était la fin du monde dans 30 jours que feriez-vous?
Make peace within myself, and send out the 'vibration' of love to all life- all people and creatures, great and small- from my heart.
Si vous aviez 10 millions d'Euros que feriez-vous?
Probably I would donate most of it to causes that support life and the environment around the world.
Demandez-vous souvent un avis et à qui?
From time to time, and usually a 'trusted' friend.
Quelles sont les qualités que vous aimez le plus chez les personnes de votre sexe?
My response here is not about the question asked. However, I want to make a statement: I just read all the questions that follow below, and I believe that there are far too many of them!!! Certainly I have my own thoughts and feelings about all of these issues (qusetions) and more. BUT, to give a simple answer to these questions in the space that is provided, does not really give justice to this process. And also, to make judgements of a person based on 'simple' answers to all of these questions, is really NOT the best way to begin to truly 'know' a person. ALL of these questions (and more) are eventually answered through the process of communicating and knowing someone, over a period of time.
Pour m'occuper durant les soirées
Ca dépend, est-ce que je suis invitée?
Aimez-vous le shopping alimentaire ?
J'aime beaucoup
Aimez-vous faire la cuisine?
J'adore cuisiner
Idéalement je voudrais vivre dans
Maison en banlieue
Quelle est la fréquence de vos sorties?
2 fois par semaine
Mes animaux domestiques
Je n'ai pas, mais je les aime Les chats
Quels types de programmes télévisés aimez-vous le plus regarder?
Nouvelles, Nature/vie sauvage, Mystère/thriller, Films, Éducatif, Documentaire
Comment aimez-vous utiliser votre temps libre
Faire quelque chose d'athlétique, S'installer avec un bon livre, Aller déjeuner avec un ami, Visiter un musée ou une galerie, S'adonner à un passe-temps, Faire une promenade, Aller danser en boîte de nuit
Activités que vous aimez
Danse, Jogging/courir, Marche, Haltérophilie
Sports que vous aimez regarder et/ou pratiquer
Football américain, Sports olympiques
Formes de divertissement que vous aimez
Concerts, Gastronomie, Musées/arts, Musique classique, Musique Jazz/R, Lire, Tv éducation/nouvelles
Autres hobbies ou intérêts que vous avez
Artisanat, Ecriture créative, Actualités/politique/événements, Peinture, Philosophie/spiritualité, Voyager
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